
Friday 4 July 2014

HTC makes Q2 profit.

Last month we had our latest check-in with HTC’s financial figures, and they had us a little concerned. Revenues were down from April, calling into question the One M8′s ability to really drive sales over time. Still, HTC seemed optimistic, and it wasn’t backing down from its second quarter estimates. Today the company’s June numbers arrive, completing that Q2 picture, and they’re looking pretty solid, after all.
Revenue’s up compared to May, and while that’s still down slightly from April, we’re seeing a much more leveling-off effect than occurred last year. In 2013, HTC had a great May, but revenue dropped twenty-three percent going into June; this year, it’s up four percent.
As for the whole quarter, even after we work in expenses, HTC managed to turn a profit, coming out post-tax to $75.5 million. And indeed, the company just barely managed to hit its quarterly projections, even after that scare last month.
While this is all very promising, HTC’s not necessarily out of the woods just yet; last year saw July sales drop even lower than June’s, and began a slump that would last throughout the rest of the year. If HTC really wants to prove that it’s turned itself around, these next few months are going to be key.
Source: HTC
Via: Android Central

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