
Friday 27 June 2014

Windows phone gets Photoshop ?

It’s a story we’ve sadly seen all too many times before: a developer comes out with its hot new mobile app for iOS, and maybe delivers an Android port… and then that’s it. Either due to a lack of resources or perceived lack of benefit, users of smaller mobile platforms find themselves getting left behind. Companies like Microsoft and BlackBerry have been doing what they can doencourage developer engagement with their platforms, and today we learn of at least one of those efforts paying off, as Windows Phone users finally get a mobile version of Photoshop.
Photoshop Express has already established itself as a relatively popular image editor on iOS and Android, and now Adobe has made it available for Windows Phone 8. It delivers some basic editing tools (crop, rotate, etc.), color adjustments, auto-enhance features, and a collection of filter effects. Users wanting more functionality can upgrade to tools like noise reduction via in-app purchase.
Now, we’re always happy to see big-name software spreading to some of the smaller mobile platforms, but we’re curious to learn what some of you die-hard WP fans think about this release. Is it simply too late, and you’ve already become quite happy with other image editing tools, or do you consider Photoshop Express a welcome addition to the options available to you?

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