
Thursday, 15 May 2014

Samsung Has A June Event For Tablets.

Yesterday we told you how word was going around that Samsung was prepping for a launch event that would introduce the world to its Galaxy Tab S Android tablets – the models expected to bring OLED screens back to the company’s tablet lineup following their one-off appearance in the Tab 7.7 all the way back in early 2012. Problem was, our sources didn’t agree on the date, and while one said June 11, the other was saying June 12. Who was right? As it happens, we haven’t had to wait even one full day to get our answer, as Samsung begins distributing invitations to its June 12 event.
While the Tab S name itself may not be present here, Samsung could not be dropping more hints that these OLED-based tablets are what’s in store for us. Beyond the suggestive “Tab into color” tagline, the overhead views we have of these three tablets are reminiscent of the color pickers you might see in a graphics utility – a reference to the extended gamut enjoyed by OLED panels, perhaps.
Of course, even with this event itself confirmed, questions remain. We’d say the two OLED Tab S models are all but certainties at this point, but what about the 13.3-inch model that recently came to our attention, mentioned in the same leak right next to those Tab S models? We could really go either way on this one, as while it would make a lot of sense for Samsung to get introductions for all its new tablets out of the way all at once, we only just heard about this 13.3-incher, and it may well be too soon for it to be ready to go public.
Source: Samsung
Via: Sam Mobile

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